Leverage. One word to describe what TrainingToDo does for our Association.


We don't have a lot of people, the technology creates leverage for our people.

Members want services at the lowest cost and online training and testing creates cost leverage.

Associations and professional organizations who have certification programs are often looking for effective ways to provide training, continuing education, certification testing. The training engine is a complete package used by many associations and professional organizations to manage their certification, continuing education and certificate maintenance programs.

It includes an admin module for management of trainee profiles, training records, testing results, and certificates. The admin module allows one or more people to add edit, or remove trainees in the system. It is a great tool for scheduling renewals and tracking certificate maintenance or CE points. Customizations can be made to track specific pieces of data such as certificate numbers, or for building custom notifications and reports.

You can also provide controlled access to training courses for online delivery of your training materials and continuing education courses. You have the option to create and distribute access codes for each course through the admin module. And if you choose to sell your training, a custom registration and purchase page allows your trainees to purchase their access code through a self-serve online purchase option. The funds go into your merchant account, and the trainee is e-mailed their access code from the system.

You get a full-service and support system you can use to manage your certification program. Selling training courses online that are approved for CE credits or Professional Development points can help your associaion create a profitable revenue stream. Contact us to talk about your association and how this can work for you.

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