Pricing that's Affordable and Flexible
We pride ourselves in our ability to work within our Client's needs when it comes to pricing and rates. This doesn't mean we will always be the lowest price. You can't have the lowest prices and have the best technology and service. Years ago we made the decision to have the best technology and invest in continuous improvement.
Starter Rates: are ideal for people who are selling training and just getting started. You may not know how many signups to expect and volumes are often up and down as you get your marketing going. A "Per Access Code Rate" means you get invoiced as you get signups so you don't have to pay for capacity you aren't using. It's simple and it's affordable.
High Volume Training Rates: are ideal when you have higher volumes, typically more than a hundred employees, multiple courses or special circumstances. These rates are typically based on an expected annual volume so even if some months have lower usage and some have more clients are able to have one flat monthly rate. This works well for established resellers small and mid-sized corporate training clients and associations.
Reseller and Private Lable training rates: are ideal for when you have volumes greater than 1,000 people per year, situations with very high turnover, and when Clients are looking for a complete training engine customized to their specific requirements. This can include custom signup pages, employee import and batch update features, a website or microsite to serve as a front end for the registrations or trainee management.
Our focus is on having the right fit for what you want to do. When you tell us your plans we have a pretty good idea if we can deliver on what you need. Rates or pricing is part of the whole package. Just as we have a flexible solution for proviging online training and testing, we are flexible in the rate packages for different client's needs.
Whether you are just considering the idea of online training - or you know exactly what you want and need to know if we can fit your budget, give us a call or email. We hare a happy to talk about your plans and give you pricing to help you make your decision.