About Us started as a concept March 2005 when a Health and Safety consultant was sharing a story about one of their clients who was really struggling with managing their records of who had completed the training required "ToDo" their job and who needed training. Their client had 1600 employees and there were numerous required courses in each department within the organization. This was the start of which was a record keeping database to manage training records. And it worked great. It made training scheduling much easier when you could see who needed training and were able to drill down to see training details.

Not long after that we visited the Health and Safety Consultant and they had boxes of paper they had picked up from a copy center and they were assembling training booklets and question sets for testing. When we asked what was going on they replied that it was time to do the WHMIS testing for this client and they would be spending the next week working with about 800 people to provide the training and hand out the tests, mark the tests and then update the training records in the database.

This seemed like a great opportunity to use technology to streamline the process, which created the Mission to develop an online training delivery system with an online testing component. It took almost two years of development to get a working version with one initial client and them launching the system in December of 2006. Inc. was incorporated in September 2008 and is now used in all kinds of businesses to ensure their employees are trained, tested and know how to do their job.

The is a service for the delivery of online safety and health courses which are sourced by SafeAndCertified and made available to individuals, companies and alliance with associations and other organizations. was created as a solution for Professional Trainers, Corporate Trainers and Associations to load their content into a training delivery system without the need to create and develop their own infrastructure, database and delivery system. Thank you to everyone along the way who has contributed to our success.

Allan Dubyts, CEO Inc.

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