What's the Secret to sell my training online

Let me guess, you are a really good trainer. You get excited everytime you are in front of a crowd and see the difference you are making? Am I right?

Many trainer's crave that feeling of sharing their message. The good news is you can get that same feeling when people are accessing your courses online.

Trainers, educators, and instructors come to us looking for a way to be in two places at one time. They want to have an impact on more people,without a limit to how many training sessions they can deliver. Some also find it a challenge to run profitable workshops, given the cost of facilities, travel, and the rate the trainees are willing to pay.

When you sell your training online there is no limit to the number of people you can train at one time. With the low cost of delivery for online training you can actually lower the rate you sell your course for. This combination makes it much easier to sell an online course than selling attendance at a face-to-face workshop.

A strategy that works very well is to offer introductory level courses in an online format. And reserve your face-to-face training time for advanced level sessions. The benefit of this is that the online sessions created your demand for the advanced sessions. And the advanced sessions can be priced at a higher rate to justify your personal training time.

And if you are new to selling training online we can help you to get everything you need to process credit cards and get people signed up for your training course.

We know how to sell training.

Let's talk about how you can do that.

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