Corporate Trainers
TrainingToDo is an online training engine, like a Learning Management System (LMS). It is designed to make Corporate Training Managers and HR Professionals look good. Because you look good when you can see instantly which employees have been trained, which employees need training, and drill down to each employee's training profile within seconds and see their complete training history.
You also look good when you can schedule company training in seconds for 20 people, one department or the entire company. And best of all, when you manage your training budget and can show a great return on investment you look really good!
Online training does not have to replace all forms of training. Adding in a mix of online training for awareness level safety training, other forms of compliance training and tasks like company policy management create a sizable cost savings which allows you more resources for the types of training which are better suited to face to face or there is a greater need for the value added services or a professional trainer or facilitator.